

时间:2023-11-24 17:33:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Ancient people invented kites mainly tocommemorate deceased relatives and friends. It isthought that flying a kite can convey love andaffection to the dead. In the late Tang Dynasty,someone added strings to kites. When windblew,those kites would sound like guzheng, thus earning the name of “fengzheng”. Weifang iscalled the “Home of Kites”. It has a long history of making kites,and kites made here are well-crafted, beautifully shaped, smooth when flying and easy to fly away. Every year,WeifangInternational Kite Festival is held during 20th-25th April,attracting lots of experts onkites,fans and visitors from home and abroad to view kites and compete with each other inflying kites.
  古人发明风筝主要是为了怀念已故的亲友,他们认为放风筝可以将情意寄托于风筝之上,传送给逝者。唐代晚期,因为有人在风筝上加了琴弦(strings),风一吹就发出像古筝那样的声音,于是就有了“风筝”的叫法。潍坊被称作 “世界风筝之都”,该地的风筝历史悠久,做工精巧,造型优美,放飞平稳,易于起飞。潍坊国际风筝节每年四月二十日至二十五日在潍坊举行,吸引着大批中外风筝专家、爱好者及游人前来观赏和竞技。

