The Golden Week refers to a consecutive seven-daynational holiday. In 1999, China started to carry outthe Golden Week policy. Since then, the GoldenWeek has enriched people's daily life and promotedthe development of social economy by encouragingpeople to travel and spend. Nevertheless, there is no denying that the problems caused by theGolden Week are getting obvious, such as the traffic jams, overcrowded tourist spots andrising prices. In 2012,the Chinese government announced that expressways nationwidewould be toll-free during important holidays, including the two seven-day holidays around theSpring Festival and the National Day, which, to some degree led to the highly increased numberof vehicles and people going out.
黄金周(the Golden Week)是指连续7天的全国性假期。1999年,中国开始推行黄金周政策。从那以后,黄金周通过鼓励人们旅游和消费,丰富了人们的日常生活,促进了社会经济的发展。然而不可否认,黄金周带来的问题也日益明显:交通拥堵、旅游景点人满为患以及物价上涨。2012年,中国政府宣布重大节假日期间全国高速公路免收通行费,其中就包括春节和国庆两个7天假期,这一政策从某种程度上又导致了出行车辆和人数的增加。