

时间:2023-11-14 06:19:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

本期主题【阿里巴巴】   Alibaba is a world famous brand of e-commerce.Founded by Jack Ma in 1999, the Alibaba Corporationaimed at providing a platform to open up onlinetrade market among enterprises. The company nowhas 12 subsidiaries. Alibaba hopes to solve smallenterprises' problems of purchase, sale, management and finance through online transaction.It was selected as one of the world's best ecommerce websites for five times successively bythe American authoritative financial magazine Forbes. Alibaba becomes a miracle of theInternet era, due to its exact positioning, stable structure, excellent service, perfect team andfirm belief.   参考翻译:   阿里巴巴(Alibaba)是全球的电子商务品牌。阿里巴巴公司由马云(Jack Ma)创办于1999年,目的是提供一个开拓企业间网上贸易市场的平台。整个公司现有12家子公司。阿里巴巴希望通过网上交易,解决小企业采购、销售、管理和融资(finance)的难题。它连续5次被美国权威财经杂志《福布斯》(Forbes)评选为全球的电子商务网站之一。准确的定位、稳固的结构、优秀的服务、完美的团队和坚定的信念使得阿里巴巴成为互联网时代的一个奇迹。

