

时间:2023-11-14 13:37:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  Riverside Scene on Tomb-Sweeping Day was paintedby Zhang Zeduan,a painter lived in the lateNorthern Song Dynasty and early Southern SongDynasty.It depicts scenes along the Bianhe River inDongjing,the capital city of the Northern SongDynasty on the Tomb-Swecping Day.The painting is divided into three parts.The first partdcpicts a team of pack animals walking slowly along the river bank in the suburbs in themorning light; the second part portrays the bustling scene around the Bianhe bridge over theriver; the third part shows the downtown streets, crowded with people doing business.Thewhole scroll is 24.8 centimeters wide and 528.7 centimeters long, and has approximatelymore than 500 people, over 50 animals, and 170 trees depicted on it.This wonderful paintingmakes us study better the life of people at that time in the Northern Song capital city.
  《清明上河图》(Riverside Scene on Tomb-Sweeping Day)为北宋末年,南宋初年的画家张择端所绘,展现了清明时分北宋都城东京汴河(Bianhe River)两岸的景象。全画分为三部分:第一部分描绘晨光下的景象,郊外岸边缓缓行进的驮队;第二部分描绘汴河桥一片繁忙的景象;第三部分描绘市区街道上的景象,商人来来往往。整幅画卷宽24.8厘米,长528.7厘米,描绘的人物约500多个,动物50多个,树木约170多棵。这幅出色的绘画作品使我们更好地了解当时北宋都城的生活。

